Vision and mission

What we believe in and where we strive!

Vision and mission

Our vision, mission and values ​​that we respect and nurture lay the foundations of what our customers can expect from us.
Through our insurance products we have an active role in improving the quality of life of our customers.
We are committed to the essential ideals of insurance - managing and mitigating the risks to both individuals and institutions.
We take care of the future of our customers through counseling and services that are in line with their life choices.

We offer detailed personalized products that will help clients who have given us their trust, to achieve the highest life goals.

Always available, in a simple and understandable way, we create the ideal combination of protection, advice and services at the most competitive prices.

Through longterm deals with our customers, we build strong relationships based on trust and quality.

We are devoted to our conviction that the best interest of our client is at the same time our interest.

Without prejudice and open to all, we provide the long-term future of our company.

The values ​​we care about in our company are a guarantee that from each employee our clients will receive honest, cordial and consistent approach.

This is the spirit of all our employees, starting with the company's management.

Always here for you,

Lion Ins AD Skopje