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Email: contact@lionins.mk
Ул. Наум Наумовски Борче бр. 38/1-2, , 1000, Скопје Р. Македонија
When you build your life, you build your future. That's why it's so important to include life insurance in your plans, so you can be better prepared for the unexpected – whether it happens today, or 20 years down the line. You purchase life insurance for the death benefit it provides – but how do you determine how much coverage you need? Use our life insurance calculator to find out.
This is an estimate only and not an offer of insurance coverage. Please consult with your financial professional to determine the amount of life insurance protection that may be appropriate for you. Information and interactive calculators are hypothetical and for illustrative use only. Lion Ins Life Insurance Company cannot and does not guarantee their applicability to any individual circumstances. This analysis is based solely on the information you provide. This content is for general educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide fiduciary, tax, or legal advice and cannot be used to avoid tax penalties; nor is it intended to market, promote, or recommend any tax plan or arrangement. Lion Ins Insurance Company, its affiliates, and their employees and representatives do not give legal or tax advice. Customers are encouraged to consult with their own legal, tax, and financial professionals for specific advice or product recommendations.